Randy T. Lee
With Gizem Surenkok and Vivian Zayas, I co-authored a paper that examined the effectiveness of seven interventions for social disconnection. We experimentally manipulated whether a friend was present (vs. a stranger vs. being alone), the nature of interpersonal engagement (a face-to-face conversation vs. a reminder of an upcoming interaction vs. simply having someone nearby), and the timing of the intervention (before vs. during vs. after the experience of social exclusion).
This work was featured in the Cornell Chronicle! Read the full journal article here.

Victoria Rivera, a student I co-mentored with Vivian Zayas for her honors thesis, received the 2024 Thomas Arthur Ryan Award, given annually to the best honors thesis in psychology, and the 2024 Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Outstanding Performance in Research!
Congratulations, Vicki, for the awards and for graduating!!!
During Spring 2023, I had the honor of delivering a special guest lecture on Social Exclusion in Professor Cindy Hazan's Human Bonding course in Bailey Hall at Cornell University.
See the special guest lecture above!
At the 2021 SPSP Conference, I presented my work on social preferential treatment at the "Us and Them: Navigating Intergroup Conflict" Symposium. This work is done in collaboration with Vivian Zayas, Clayton Critcher, Stephen Baum, and Gizem Surenkok.
See the talk above!

With Vivian Zayas and Yuichi Shoda, I co-authored a book chapter that appears in Measuring and Modeling Persons and Situations. We show how the Highly-Repeated Within-Person (HRWP) approach can measure, model, and visualize how behavior varies as a function of features in an experimentally manipulated situation. [View]

With Sean Darling-Hammond and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, I co-authored a paper that examines the relationship between intergroup contact in the workplace that was published in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. We used propensity score matching and compare White individuals who work with Black Individuals with those who do not. [View]
With Vivian Zayas, Vasundhara Sridharan, and Yuichi Shoda, I co-authored an article published in Social and Personality Psychology Compass on two blind spots of commonly used experimental designs and how the Highly-Repeated Within-Person approach can help mitigate the two blind spots and increase confidence regarding the generalizability and replicability of findings. [View]

With Amanda Perez and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, I co-authored a book chapter that offers an overview of the theoretical basis of, barriers to, and interventions aimed at improving belonging in schools that was published in the Cambridge Handbook of Applied School Psychology. Our discussion focuses on interpersonal relations and individual perceptions as fundamental to the sense of belonging. [View]
Along with Amanda Perez, Malik Boykin, and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, I wrote an article on the prevalence of racial discrimination in the United States published in PLoS ONE. In Study 1, we used a national representative dataset from the Pew Research Center to examine the differences across racial groups, and in Study 2, we experimentally manipulated question framing to see how it could affect responses. [View]
My favorite class as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley was Emotion and Emotional Development with Joseph Campos. I was fortunate to be his teaching assistant for the next offering of the class the following year. Joe Campos and I (along with Linda Camras, Minxuan He, and Rosemary Campos) co-authored an article on emotional competence in tribute to Carolyn Saarni that had some theoretical origins in those classes. [View]
I was the Conference Coordinator for the AGEP National Research Conference, an NSF-sponsored research conference that brought together researchers who were working to increase the number of underrepresented minority faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and STEM education fields. Click here or the "Pathways to a Diverse Professoriate" image for the conference program!